Father Timothy Dolan has been authorized to return to ministry in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Archbishop Bernard Hebda announced July 27. Father Dolan has been out of ministry since February 2016, after the archdiocese reported to law enforcement a concern received from a citizen that Father Dolan might be a risk to children.

The law enforcement investigation, as well as a subsequent investigation by the archdiocese, determined that the concern that children were at risk was unfounded.

During its investigation, law enforcement seized and examined a computer that contained adult pornography. The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office reviewed Father Dolan’s case and did not bring charges.

While on leave from ministry, Father Dolan has engaged in extensive professional counseling. Father Dolan cooperated with the investigations and, after they were completed, the archdiocese’s Ministerial Review Board thoroughly reviewed Father Dolan’s case.

Father Dolan met with the board on several occasions. The board recommended to Tim O’Malley, director of Ministerial Standards and Safe Environment, that Father Dolan be allowed to return to ministry. O’Malley concurred. Archbishop Hebda said he agrees with the recommendations and is working with Father Dolan to “find the best way to reintegrate him into ministry.”