Archbishop Bernard Hebda has announced the following appointments in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis:
Effective July 7, 2020
Reverend Msgr. Aloysius Callaghan, assigned as parochial vicar of the Church of Saint Timothy in Maple Lake and the Church of Saint Ignatius in Annandale. Monsignor Callaghan previously served as formation advisor for the Saint John Vianney Seminary in Saint Paul.
Effective July 20, 2020
Deacon Ramon Garcia DeGollado, assigned to exercise the ministry of a permanent deacon at the Church of the Holy Rosary in Minneapolis. This is a transfer from his previous assignment to the Church of Saint Stephen in Anoka.
Effective August 1, 2020
Reverend Michael Goodavish, assigned as parochial administrator of the Church of Corpus Christi in Roseville. Father Goodavish is a priest of the Diocese of St. George’s-in-Grenada.
Reverend Timothy Norris, assigned as parochial vicar of the Church of Saint Dominic in Northfield, the Church of the Annunciation in Hazelwood, the Church of the Divine Mercy in Faribault, and the Church of Saint Michael in Kenyon. Father Norris is returning to priestly ministry after a leave of absence.
Effective August 12, 2020
Reverend Cyprian Czop, OMI, assigned as parochial vicar of the Church of the Holy Cross in Minneapolis. This is in addition to his current assignments at the Church of Saint Casimir and the Church of Saint Patrick in Saint Paul.
Incardination Effective July 20, 2020
Reverend Peter Wang, granted incardination into the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, from the Archdiocese of Shenyang.
Incardination Effective July 21, 2020
Reverend Victor Valencia, granted incardination into the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, from the Diocese of San Carlos.
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