May the Lord in his goodness introduce Monsignor Georg Ratzinger to the homeland of Heaven and grant him the prize prepared for the faithful servants of the Gospel…

Pope Francis expressed this in a letter he sent to the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI for the death of his brother yesterday in Regensburg, Germany.

The letter, written in Italian and translated into German, was published today, July 2, 2020, by the Holy See Press Office.

After Francis expresses his appreciation for Benedict’s gracious act of communicating first to him about his dear brother’s passing, the Pope says he is close to Benedict XVI during this painful time.

Saying he offers his deepest condolences, Pope Francis also assured Benedict of his heartfelt prayers for his German predecessor.

“I also pray for you, Your Holiness,” Pope Francis said, “invoking from the Father, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the support of Christian hope and tender divine consolation.”

Saying they remain “always united in adherence to the Risen Christ, source of hope and peace,” Pope Francis closed his letter, signing: “filially and fraternally, FRANCIS.”

Here is a Zenit working translation of the letter Pope Francis sent:


Letter from the Holy Father

To His Holiness

Benedict XVI

Pope Emeritus

You had the delicacy to communicate to me first the news of the decease of your beloved brother Monsignor Georg. I wish to renew to you the expression of my deepest sympathy and spiritual closeness in this moment of sorrow.

I assure you of my intercessory prayer for the lamented deceased, so that the Lord of life, in His merciful goodness, may introduce him in the heavenly homeland and grant him the prize prepared for the faithful servants of the Gospel.

I pray also for you, Holiness, invoking from the Father, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the support of Christian hope and tender divine consolation. Always united in adherence to the Risen Christ, source of hope and peace.

Filially and fraternally,


From the Vatican, July 2, 2020

[00851-IT.01] [Original text: Italian]

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