Archbishop Bernard Hebda expresses gratitude and prays with care center residents in midst of coronavirus pandemic.
Expressing gratitude for the prayers and support of seniors and others in care centers, encouraging them in their faith in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and praying with them for an end to the pandemic and “peace in our families and in our cities,” Archbishop Bernard Hebda shared his time and prayers in a special video on Facebook.
“I’m coming to you by video with a message of gratitude,” the archbishop said. “Thank you for your prayers not only in this time of pandemic and unrest in our archdiocese and indeed around the country, but for your good example, messages and daily prayers in my five years here in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Those prayers are powerful and much appreciated.”
The archbishop thanked those in care centers, many of them isolated from their families and unable to attend public Masses to help prevent spread of the coronavirus, for their faith and uniting their sacrifices to Christ.
He also assured those who were listening that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is lifted during the pandemic. In fact, Archbishop Hebda said, not attending Mass and staying healthy is one way seniors and others can lighten the burden and worry of doctors, nurses and first responders who must help those who do become ill with COVID-19.
The archbishop thanked those in care centers who have long supported the church financially and spiritually, and he assured them of his constant prayers for them.
The video can be seen and heard on Facebook.
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