Question Covered:
• 06:45 – What resources would you recommend for someone trying to learn Latin?
• 12:55 – I’ve been offered a position as a board member to a Catholic school. The oath of fidelity mentions things like “Christian obedience” to what a bishop will “declare and establish.” Can you help me understand the oath of fidelity?
• 12:55 – I’ve been offered a position as a board member to a Catholic organization. The oath of fidelity mentions things like “Christian obedience” to what an ordinary will “declare and establish.” Can you help me understand the oath of fidelity?
• 18:30 – If God is all-merciful why did Jesus say about Judas, “better that he had never been born”?
• 28:37 – I have a hard time believing in God, but the fear of Hell keeps me scared straight. What would you or the Church say about someone like me?
• 33:11 – Is it true that the primary mission of the Church is to save souls?
• 35:10 – Why is the Catholic Church so against left-wing politics but not right-wing?
• 44:12 – Was it okay for me to put my parents on hospice? They passed a couple years ago and we had them on hospice at the end. Now I’m wondering if that was the wrong decision.
• 49:43 – In Acts 5:29, Peter and the apostles are persecuted for preaching the faith and they say, “we are not subject to men but to God.” How does that mesh with Church authority?