Alma Clara Corsini, a 95-year-old grandmother, and a 97-year-old Italian man of Cremona have recovered from the Coronavirus. They were stronger than the virus, but not by themselves: behind these two recoveries were two medical teams that did not give up, despite a very grave general situation.
Alma Corsini was hospitalized on March 3, 2020, at Pavullo in Frignano, an Italian city of the Modena province in Emilia-Romagna, and she is now healed.
Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Vice-President of the European Parliament, published the photo of the healed patient and her team of carers on his Facebook page on March 21. “The medical team in the photo is that of the Pavullo hospital, made up of Doctors Cinzia Cappi (specialist in infectious diseases), Maria Cristina Fontana (head of the unit and semi-intensive care), and Alessandra Marrazzo (intern) in direct link with Dr. Giorgio Cioni, Professor of Internal Medicine.”
The news reached Pope Francis who, according to the Argentine newspaper “La Nacion,” said on March 22: “In Italy, a 95-year-old grandmother is the first person healed from the Coronavirus. Alma Clara Corsini won this battle for life to give us hope.”
The Doctors believe her healing is due to her “good physical condition.” The patient commented: “It was good persons who took good care of me and now they are sending me home.” In fact, according to the daily “La Gazetta di Modena,” she returned last Friday, March 20, to Saint Joseph’s residence for the elderly at Fanano, a small town of some 3,000 inhabitants. She confided that she prayed a lot.
She is not the only elderly person to win the battle: a 97-year-old man from Asola, in Lombardy’s Mantua province, also recovered from the Coronavirus.
He is an inhabitant of Cremona who was hospitalized on February 29 for “pneumonia.” His state of health worsened and he was in intensive care for a week, reported the Italian paper “La Voce di Mantova.” “It seemed he wouldn’t be able to come out of it, instead he has recovered very well, “said the Doctor that ordered his hospitalization. “He proved to have a formidable temperament and total autonomy,” adding that “it’s a family where one lives to be old. He thanked us and said that our team were his angels. He returned to his daughter’s home on March 14.
Two good pieces of news in an Italy that is being sorely tested: 46,638 cases that have tested positive; 5,373 dead, 7,024 healed, reported France TV Rome on March 22.
In a Tweet on the same day, Pope Francis invited to globalize “prayer, compassion, and tenderness.” “We want to respond to the virus’ pandemic with the globalization of prayer, of compassion and of tenderness. Let us remain united. I propose to all Christians to unite their voices to Heaven, reciting the Our Father <together> next Wednesday, March 25, at midday.”
The post Italy: She is 95 and He Is 97: Both Are Stronger than COVID-19 appeared first on ZENIT – English.
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