As impact of the coronavirus pandemic grows in Minnesota, Archbishop Bernard Hebda is encouraging the faithful in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis to join him in recognizing a special day of fasting and abstinence March 18.
“On that day, I invite Catholics who are ordinarily bound to observe fast and abstinence on Ash Wednesday to prayerfully make this same sacrifice” March 18, the archbishop said in a letter to the faithful March 12.
The day will be a time of “fasting, abstinence and prayer invoking God’s help in these challenging days for our archdiocese, our country and the world,” Archbishop Hebda said.
The archbishop noted that the day falls between the feast of St. Patrick March 17 and the Solemnity of Joseph March 19.
In addition to the special day of abstinence and fasting, the archbishop encouraged people to engage in other forms of prayer, such as a daily rosary as an individual or with family. He asked for prayers for the sick and dying, for those caring for them, including priests and deacons, and for those working to minimize the risk of the coronavirus and the illness it causes, COVID-19.
“From biblical times until the present day, history confirms that when the faithful unit in prayer and fasting, powerful things happen,” he said.
“Let us remain calm and look out for all our brothers and sisters in need: those in our families, in our neighborhoods and around the world,” the archbishop said. “When we unit for the common good, we can overcome fear and courageously face the challenges in the days ahead.”
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