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Month: January 2020

Impeachment Trial of Trump: Remember When Pelosi and Nadler Insisted on Bipartisanship?

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insists she does not “hate” President Donald Trump. Responding to a reporter’s question after she directed the Democratic House Committee chairmen to draft articles of impeachment, Pelosi said: “As a Catholic, I resent your using the word ‘hate’ in a sentence that addresses me. I don’t hate anyone. I was […]

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My Favorite Picture/Painting of the Jewish St. Paul the Apostle

Most pictures of St. Paul ignore his Jewishness. When he entered a Synagogue to teach he could not have looked like a Gentile. He would have been distinctly Jewish. They would never ask a Gentile to share a “word of encouragement” to the Jewish worshipers. For example: “Acts 13:14–15:  “They went on from Perga and […]

The post My Favorite Picture/Painting of the Jewish St. Paul the Apostle appeared first on Defenders of the Catholic Faith.

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Becoming better listeners

In the context of our Pre-Synod Prayer and Listening events these past four months, I have frequently spoken about the “listening Church,” drawing often on observations that Pope Francis has made on that theme and on a 2018 document from the International Theological Commission, “Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church,” that was published after receiving a favorable review from Pope Francis. I have found the Holy Father’s insights to be particularly rich in this area, and I have collected pages of quotations from him as he has addressed the topic from a variety of angles. That being said, nothing has been as helpful for me in understanding the essence of the listening Church as was our “ad limina” visit with him on Jan. 13.

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Para convertirse en mejores oyentes

En el contexto de nuestros eventos previos sínodo oración y la escucha de los últimos cuatro meses, he hablado con frecuencia de la “Iglesia de escucha”, basándome a menudo en observaciones que el Papa Francisco ha hecho sobre ese tema y en un documento de 2018 del International Theological Comisión, “Sinodalidad en la Vida y Misión de la Iglesia,” que fue publicada después de recibir una revisión favorable del Papa Francisco. He encontrado que las ideas del Santo Padre son particularmente ricas en esta área, y he recopilado páginas de citas de él, ya que ha abordado el tema desde una variedad de ángulos. Dicho esto, nada me ha sido tan útil para entender la esencia de la Iglesia de escucha como lo fue nuestra visita ad limina con él el 13 de enero.

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600 faithful join bishop in celebrating Richmond Diocese’s bicentennial

The first Catholics of Virginia 200 years ago were “a few shining stars” that eventually burst forth “into greater constellations of communities” bringing the light of Christ to all whom they encountered, said Bishop Barry C. Knestout in opening the Diocese of Richmond’s bicentennial celebration.

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On EWTN TV this week with three time slots

I will be on EWTN’s Bookmarks show this week during three-time slots. The show is hosted by Doug Keck, EWTN’s President and Chief Operating Officer. Doug interviews me for 30-minutes as we discuss my new book “The Papacy: What the Pope Does and Why It Matters” published by Ignatius Press. You can join the shows at: […]

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