By Scott Hahn
Dr. Scott Hahn is president of the St. Paul Center and author of over forty books on theology and biblical studies. He is the host of The Road to Emmaus podcast.
But there was another key part of my journey to the Catholic faith. You see, the Bible also led me to the Church Fathers. And it was the Fathers who really began to transform the way I understood Sacred Scripture.
They read the Old Testament in light of the New, the New in light of the Old, and always with the liturgy in mind. They saw the sacraments, especially Baptism and the Eucharist, as the ordinary yet mysterious way that Christians entered the drama of the Bible.
Now I may be a little biased, but I think studying the Church Fathers is essential for anyone and everyone who wants to grow in their understanding of Sacred Scripture.
I’m proud to introduce a new Journey Through Scripture study that will help all Catholics—and all Christians—do just that: The Bible and the Church Fathers.
It’s not just for scholars or academics—the study is engaging and understandable, not to mention breathtakingly beautiful. And it will transform how you read the Bible.
Take the next step in your relationship with Scripture with The Bible and the Church Fathers.
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The Bible and the Church Fathers is the fourth study in the Journey Through Scripture series. In twelve beautifully produced lessons, you will learn who the early Church Fathers were and how they shaped the way we read Scripture. You’ll discover the Church’s favorite tools for reading it, and you’ll understand Scripture’s relationship to Tradition and, in particular, to the Sacraments.
What’s more, you’ll recognize the powerful effect of Scripture on the Church Fathers. For them, this was no academic pursuit. Their love of God’s Word transformed their lives—just as it has the power to transform ours today.
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