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Month: July 2022

“Who Do You Say That I Am?” by Steve Ray in Catholic Answers Magazine

Last year Catholic Answers Magazine asked me to write an article about the humanity of Jesus, actually “the scandal of his humanity”. We are constantly defending his divinity, but think very little about his real human humanity. He was God and Man. Based on my many trips to the Holy Land and walking in his […]

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A Happy Independence Day in the Not-So-United States

A joyous Independence Day to all our American readers, one that may be more muted than days of yore in the land of our neighbours – or neighbors – to the south. There are any number of factions developing in the once-United States, but all can be traced back to those who accept the Christian[…]

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Pope Francis scotches cancer rumours as ‘court gossip’

Pope Francis has dismissed rumours that he has cancer as “court gossip”. In a wide-ranging interview, the Holy Father denied that cancer was discovered during surgery last July to remove a section of his colon. The Pope said the operation was “a great success” and that his recent debilitation has arisen solely from problems with

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Saints Elizabeth of Portugal and Antoine Daniel

On this day we honour Elizabeth of Portugal (+1336), who lived in the turbulent time at the dawn of the fourteenth century. She was a queen, wife, mother, widow, peacemaker, and a third order Franciscan who, after her fractious husband’s death (whom she sanctified, as much as his coarser soul could take, it seems), before[…]

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Is a Catholic-led super-state about to emerge in eastern Europe?

Last month, Moldova and Ukraine were granted candidate status by the EU. Cue much back-slapping and cheering from Brussels. But the self-congratulation masked a very different reality. For starters, neither Ukraine nor Moldova is likely to ever join the EU, certainly not on terms either would find acceptable, while both would quickly be disabused of

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Pope Francis condemns abortion in new comments about Roe v. Wade decision, responds to question on Communion

Pope Francis speaks to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Paul Pelosi after Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica on June 29, 2022. / Vatican Media

Vatican City, Jul 4, 2022 / 03:43 am (CNA).

Pope Francis condemned abortion in new comments about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

When asked whether a Catholic politician who supports the right to choose abortion can receive the sacrament of Communion, he warned of bishops losing their “pastoral nature.”

Speaking to Reuters over the weekend, the pope said he respected the ruling in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, though he did not know enough to speak about the juridical aspects.

The interview, published July 4, said Francis compared abortion to “hiring a hit man.”

“I ask: Is it legitimate, is it right, to eliminate a human life to resolve a problem?” Pope Francis said.

He was also asked about the debate over whether Catholic politicians who promote legal abortion should be admitted to Holy Communion.

In May, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was barred from receiving Communion in her home diocese of San Francisco by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone because of her advocacy of abortion.

Pelosi (D-Calif.) reportedly received Holy Communion at a Mass with Pope Francis at the Vatican on June 29. It is not clear if the pope was aware that Pelosi attended, though the Vatican issued a photo showing the two greeting each other in St. Peter’s Basilica.

Pope Francis told Reuters: “When the Church loses its pastoral nature, when a bishop loses his pastoral nature, it causes a political problem. That’s all I can say.”

The 90-minute interview in Italian took place on July 2 in a reception room on the ground floor of the Vatican’s Santa Marta guesthouse, where the pope lives.

In addition to the abortion topic, the interview covered the pope’s health, resignation rumors, and the possibility of trips to Kyiv and Moscow.

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