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Month: July 2022

Pope condemns abortion but not its advocates

In a wide-ranging interview with Reuters, Pope Francis sought to quash resignation rumours but may have only ignited them further, and while the Holy Father condemned abortion in the aftermath of the decision to overrule Roe vs. Wade, he seemed not to quite condemn abortion advocates. The Pope first addressed having to cancel his trip

The post Pope condemns abortion but not its advocates appeared first on Catholic Herald.

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The Humility of Silence

I have never been a quiet person. From the moment of my birth, my parents describe me as having “a good set of lungs.” It’s been a long-standing joke in my family of origin that I have, at times, been bossy and opinionated, but always loud. My voice carries well. As a writer, I have […]

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Tuesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Reading 1  HOS 8:4-7, 11-13

Thus says the LORD:They made kings in Israel, but not by my authority;they established princes, but without my approval.With their silver and gold they madeidols for themselves, to their own destruction.Ca…

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Two more Nigerian priests kidnapped (Fides)

Two more Catholic priests were kidnapped in Nigeria over the weekend, although one was quickly freed by a police raid.
Father Luigi Brena was seized by armed men in the southern Edo state on July 3. Police tracked the kidnappers to a forest camp, and …

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