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Month: December 2020

Church pandemic financial forecast: Mostly cloudy, some rays of sunshine

The signals were clear at the start of the pandemic. No Masses, no offertory income. No offertory income, nothing to assess by the diocese. Nothing in the diocese to assess, reduced revenue to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

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Pope removes management of finances, property from Secretariat of State

Pope Francis approved a new set of laws that formally transfer the management of all bank accounts and financial investments belonging to the Vatican Secretariat of State. Issued “motu proprio,” on the pope’s own accord, and published Dec. 28, the pope’s decree orders the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, also known as […]

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Middle East Catholic patriarchs urge Christmas hope amid despair

Amid suffering and despair, further darkened by the coronavirus pandemic, Catholic patriarchs of the Middle East urged their faithful at Christmastime to hold on to hope.

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Pope encourages young people to pray together, support each other

Although the COVID-19 pandemic prevented European young adults from praying in the New Year together in Turin, Italy, moving the Taize prayer gathering online has allowed them to involve their peers from around the world in proclaiming “hope in good times and bad,” Pope Francis said.

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Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the increase in anti-Catholicism in 2020: There is plenty of empirical evidence to conclude that anti-Catholicism grew by leaps and bounds in 2020: church vandalism, much of it done to make a political…

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What Is Our Worth?

By Kimberly Hahn  Kimberly Hahn is a Catholic speaker and author who for decades has shared her wisdom with other wives and mothers. She is the author of several books, including Chosen and Cherished: Biblical Wisdom for Your Marriage. The word for “jewels” in Hebrew refers to something very costly, like rubies or pearls. Proverbs

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