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Month: December 2020

Saint Thomas à Becket’s 850th

A blessed continuing ‘merrie Christmas!’ to all our readers, as we celebrate all these twelve days, right up to the Epiphany and the Baptism of our Lord. So keep those lights and candles burning, the decorations up! Christmas has just begun! Today is the memorial of Saint Thomas à Becket, the glorious bishop of Canterbury[…]

The post Saint Thomas à Becket’s 850th appeared first on Catholic Insight.

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Pope Francis names Bishop Dermot Farrell to Archdiocese of Dublin

The 66-year-old Archbishop-elect Farrell was ordained a priest in 1980. He did advanced study at Maynooth and in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University, before becoming and administrator and eventually President of St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, in 1996.

The post Pope Francis names Bishop Dermot Farrell to Archdiocese of Dublin appeared first on Catholic Herald.

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Porn, stress, and being a bad husband… It was time for Mike to look to Joseph

“It’s no mistake” I said to Mike, “that every Catholic church has an image of St. Joseph up front.” Mike had come for confession and counseling over his failures as a husband and father. He had got caught up in the trap of pornography and ambition. He made some bad, short cut decisions. Stress built […]

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The road to Canterbury: Why St Thomas Becket still fascinates 850 years after his murder

Catholic Herald chairman William Cash recently walked the first part of the so-called “Becket Way” from Southwark Cathedral into Kent, a relatively new pilgrimage route from Southwark to Canterbury.

The post The road to Canterbury: Why St Thomas Becket still fascinates 850 years after his murder appeared first on Catholic Herald.

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Towards a New Counter-Revolution

I was in Boston on the weekend the Associated Press, and other esteemed arbiters of American democracy (Fox News, CNN, et cetera, et cetera,) preemptively declared Joseph R. Biden, Jr.—nominal son of Scranton, Pennsylvania, and of the Roman Catholic Church—the forty-sixth President of the United States. You’d think the Patriots had just won the Super […]

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Will the Bishops Confront Biden?

When an Episcopalian cleric–cum-Dartmouth professor criticizes the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, it’s a safe bet our prelates have done something right. Indeed, such a man—one Randall Balmer—wrote an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times titled, “In What Moral Universe Does Biden Require a Catholic Task Force when Trump Got a Free Pass?” No need […]

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Aren’t All Sins the Same?

There is an idea among some Protestants that all sin is equal. Although tacitly recognizing that certain sinful actions are morally worse than others, they seem to get hung up on the idea that any sin is imperfection and any imperfection will keep some…

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The Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas

Readings for the Optional Memorial of Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr

Reading 1 1 JN 2:3-11

The way we may be sure that we know Jesus 
is to keep his commandments. 
Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not keep his com…

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With latest shakeup, has the music stopped on Vatican financial reform?

Pope Francis has taken away away the power of the purse from the Secretariat of State, traditionally the Vatican’s 800-pound gorilla, and transferred it to the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA), the Vatican’s central bank. At the same time, he beefed up the oversight role of the Secretariat for the Economy.

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Bishop Rojas takes helm in San Bernardino diocese

San Bernardino has one of the highest concentrations of Hispanics in California. According to the United States Census Bureau, 54.4% of the county’s 2.2 million population is of Hispanic or Latino origin.

The post Bishop Rojas takes helm in San Bernardino diocese appeared first on Catholic Herald.

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The Saints Reflect the Glory of God to Us

Our relation to the saints The Christian has a lively consciousness of his connection with those departed who were linked to him by blood, love, or spiritual affinity. He hopes for a reunion with them in the life to come; he thinks of the purification which they may have to undergo to attain “the glorious […]

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